Volume II, Issue II Contributors
Katharine Rauk | Minneapolis, MN, USA | is the author of Buried Choirs (Tinderbox Editions, 2016) and the chapbook Basil (Black Lawrence Press, 2011).
Sean Howard | Main-a-Dieu, Nova Scotia, Canada | is author of three collections of poetry: Local Calls (CBU Press, 2009), Incitements (Gaspereau Press, 2011) and The Photographer’s Last Picture (Gaspereau Press, 2016). His poetry has been widely published in Canada, the US, UK and elsewhere, and featured in The Best of the Best Canadian Poetry in English (Tightrope Books, 2017).
Taylor Gray Moore | Vancouver, BC, Canada | was born in Vancouver, BC, in 1992, and has lived there for most of his life. He has recently returned there after four years in Montreal, where he had been attending McGill University. Moore started writing in high school and has been unable to kick the habit since. His work has previously appeared in The Rusty Nail, Pulp Magazine and the Spadina Literary Review.
Yuan Changming | Vancouver, BC, Canada | published monographs on translation before leaving China. With a Canadian PhD in English, Yuan currently edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Yuan in Vancouver; credits include ten Pushcart nominations, the Naji Naaman's Literary Prize 2018, Best of the Best Canadian Poetry, BestNewPoemsOnline, Threepenny Review and 1,449 others worldwide.
Sara Schraeter-Mowers | Queens, NY, USA | is a Queens native artist residing in Ridgewood, who works in painting, photography and mixed media. She received a BFA at Queens College where she is currently receiving her Masters degree.
Christine Potter | Hudson River Valley, NY, USA | is a poet and writer who lives in the Hudson River Valley with her church organist husband and a spoiled tom cat. Her house is haunted and she likes that. Christine is the author of a time-traveling series for young adults, The Bean Books, on Evernight Teen, and also a whole lot of poetry, which has been published in Autumn Sky Poetry, Rattle, American Arts Quarterly, Eclectica, and Fugue. Her third collection of poems, Unforgetting, is just about to be released by Kelsay Books.
Michelle Donahue | Salt Lake City, UT, USA | is a PhD candidate in Creative Writing & Literature at the University of Utah. She is Fiction Editor for Quarterly West and received an MFA in Creative Writing & Environment from Iowa State. Her fiction has been published in CutBank, The Beloit Fiction Journal, Arts & Letters, and elsewhere.
Sid Pitt | Salt Lake City, UT, USA | lives in Salt Lake City.
Jay Leeming | Ithaca, NY, USA | I’m a poet from Ithaca, New York with two books of poetry in print: “Dynamite on a China Plate” (Backwaters Press, 2006) and “Miracle Atlas” (Writers and Books, 2011). I’ve had poems published in a variety of magazines including The Gettysburg Review, Pleiades and Poetry East. I earned an MFA from New School University in the spring of 2001, and received a Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in the fall of 2009. I make my living by working as a ranger-naturalist in Yosemite National Park in the summers, as well as by working as a manager at a food co-op in the off-season.