Evolution Towards Dataism

Evolution Towards Dataism
Yuan Changming

More advanced in evolution than their human masters are chickens as they outnumber the stars in the whole universe, and occupy every corner of the entire planet, but as in-dividuals, no chicken can fly higher than a low fence, make love within its confinement or live together with its children. The only thing they do besides laying eggs and growing meat is standing there, day and night, as if meditating about the meaning of evolution: It took hundreds... of thousands ...of years for ...homo erectus to evolve ...into sapiens and longer ...for chimpanzees to ...erectus, but ...engineering ourselves ...by way of biochemistry... cyborg and... AI, we are upgrading ...ourselves into... godlings – all it takes... will be just half a century ...where science beats gods ...and devils, saints and ghosts alike... at only ...a fraction of second, when a whim ...pops up for a human ...to go back ...to a wild animal, again... Now given each organism as a biochemical algorithm, your life is a programmed process proving your consciousness is actually far less valuable than a fucking Frankenstein’s AI

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